36 Answers to Questions That Generate Interpersonal Closeness Between Strangers
Grounded in research developed by psychologist Arthur Aron (et alia) on how meaningful inter-personal relationships are formed, kevin mcpherson eckhoff’s 36 Answers… blends conceptual and confessional writing practices to gently complicate the poetics of intimacy. Both prose poem and essayistic memoir, eckhoff’s responses to the “36 Love Questions” meditate on the entanglement of love and one’s personal narrative. The Blasted Tree has produced a limited edition of fifty chapbooks printed on white linen paper and hand-bound with gold thread into dark olive green linen cardstock covers, available now in our online store.
Read 36 Answers to Questions That Generate Interpersonal Closeness Between Strangers
NOTES ON The Sign of Poetry
Journal excerpts + Image Gallery
by Sacha Archer
A multi-media exploration of the limits of poetry and legibility, Sacha Archer continues to push boundaries with this collection of astounding poetry, journal excerpts, and supplementary material. In addition to these digital notes and drawings, we have produced a series of broadsides featuring selections from Archer's experimental visual poetry and his addendum to the work. 50 limited-edition sets of broadsides were produced, now sold out from The Blasted Tree Store.
Read Notes on the sign of poetry
A Brief Essay Against All Murder, And the Death Penalty
This provocative essay is more than a well-reasoned attack on murder and all forms of capital punishment, more than a sophisticated and artful piece of experimental writing, and more than a thorough examination of justice, truth, and guilt. With uncommon depth and skill, Gavin combines these elements into an erudite celebration of language, both challenging and accessible, amounting to a brilliant and highly creative work of philosophical nonfiction.
Read A Brief Essay Against All Murder, And The Death Penalty
Feminist Perspectives
by Fogel, May G N, Martonfi, Keeler, Neily, and Raaymakers
A six-part celebration and examination of the many-faceted movement that is contemporary feminism. Loosely labelled creative non-fiction, this online series collects writings from a diverse group of self-identifying feminists, from autobiographical poetry to critical theory, personal anecdotes and public calls to action. Co-edited and forwarded by Bea Keeler, Feminist Perspectives was published in weekly installments from March 30th to May 4th, 2016.
Read feminist perspectives
Entheogens and the mind of society
Two-part essay addressing the prohibition of psychedelics in connection to the yoking of modern minds. Jesso makes an impassioned and compelling argument for the freedom to explore one’s consciousness through the use of entheogens. The complete Entheogens and the Mind of Society is no longer available in print from The Blasted Tree Store, but you can still read both parts of the essay online.
READ entheogens and the mind of society
On State Surveillance
by Kyle Flemmer
Selected from an ongoing dialogue about authoritarian systems of control and how they relate to the current political landscape in Canada. This letter responds to a friend's interest in the ideas raised by George Orwell's classic novel, 1984, and to a public lecture on state surveillance by Glenn Greenwald offered at Concordia University, October 24th, 2014.
PLEASE NOTE: The Blasted Tree is not accepting unsolicited submissions of any kind for consideration at this time. General inquiries regarding all other matters can be directed to
Critical participation in the discussion of global ideas is central to foraging new and innovative paths in a challenging future. The Blasted Tree compiles unique, exploratory essays and open letters on a variety of issues - from the marginal to the monolithic - and reviews culturally-relevant media from engaging and critical perspectives. You can find some of our nonfiction in The Blasted Tree Store. Interviews and reviews can be found HERE.