Without Form
by Ben Robinson
Star charts for a new cosmology
And the earth was without form, and void.
Genesis 1:2 (KJV)
Is a gap nothing? Or is it eloquent? Of what does a silence speak?
Erín Moure
What to say about a work concerned with void, gap, and silence?
Since the mid-1500s, the text of the Bible has been subdivided into chapters and verses. Those markings are all we see in Without Form. I was interested in the paratext: that which goes around or over top of the text, the frame we seem to require to approach the divine.
As a person who is used to working with words, there is something thrilling about making a book containing only numbers. We know, of course, that it is possible to represent the universe with numbers but this is not math, or at least it is a very different kind of math. I hoped to step back into the void here, to catch a glimpse of the world before the first word.
Book I: Genesis
Page by Page
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Without Form
sixty-six books (Animated)

Limited edition Without Form hardcover is out of print The Blasted Tree store
Without Form chapbook is out of print The Blasted Tree Store
Featured by The Blasted Tree: November 24, 2020
Ben Robinson
Contributing Author
Other works on The Blasted Tree:
Without Form
book by book (Animated)
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Without Form is a Blasted Tree original collection of visual poetry.
ISBN [Digital]: 978-1-987906-63-9
Cover Design by Kyle Flemmer