Ryan Tellier
Contributing Author
Ryan Tellier is the winner of The Blasted Tree’s first haiku contest. He has just graduated from the Liberal Arts College of Concordia, where he wrote an honours thesis on the works of Marcel Proust and Samuel Beckett. In that time, he had also received a grant to research the twentieth century art movement fluxus along with the compositions of John Cage. His interests in the East have included experimentations with the I-Ching and a two-yearlong bout of zen and transcendental meditation. He has published poetry in L’Organe and Soliloquies Anthology. He aims, in the future, to polish his prose, write rap songs on the sly/side, come to know his Québécois roots, and learn the gregarious dance that makes of extroversion a martial arts.
Works on The Blasted Tree:
- FLASH HAIKU: Ryan Tellier [mini-leaflet]
Image by Ramon Dabiryan